Ukrainian catwoman on-line sex chats for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Ukrainian catwoman on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. There is NO WAY a therapist would say something like this.

    He is indeed talking out of his ass. His gaslighting of you is so obvious. You need to find a way to block all his messages on all devices.

  2. Tell him that sex is important to you and that you need to connect intimately again.

    I don't know how long he needs, but would you be able to find 10min sometime during the week?

  3. Thank you! Another very helpful response! The first few I got on here were pretty unhelpful. Thank you so much for taking the time to give me this advice. Yes, things have been good since then. I mean, I've definitely had trust issues this whole time, but have never found indisputable proof that he's cheating again. And I genuinely don't believe he has. I just get so stuck in my own head and I am so afraid of looking stupid again.

    I think you are right, and yes, I probably do need to just let it go.

  4. coming from someone with a similar experience…. this is not the partner you want on your journey to healing. It's a PROCESS and you deserve to surround yourself with people who care about you & your wellbeing.

    (I promise there are good ones out there… they just take a little more time to find)

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  6. Reading these types of posts make me feel uneasy, why is it always about a men seeing his gf get plowed, i never see the opposite posted.

  7. Yeah, sometimes people simply change their minds, and other times they tell half-truths, for example, saying you don’t want kids but in reality, you’re hoping deep down that your partner will change their mind over time. There are all sorts of situations that could be the case here. Their poor communication is only exacerbating the issue. Maybe this is just OP venting, but it sounds to me like instead of discussing the issue in a neutral setting, they are attacking each other and anticipating the other to be doing things for malicious reasons. For example, instead of trying to understand her husband’s full rationale before commenting on it, she instantly interprets it as him betraying her. OP herself says very clearly that she’s considering getting an IUD just so she can weaponize sex by making it unpleasant for him. Don’t get me wrong, it’s OK to be angry, and it’s OK to say awful things when we are venting. I don’t want to invalidate that she feels hurt — and justifiably so. But we can’t allow that anger to prevent us from having a productive conversation.

    OP, if you and your husband are unable to have an open, honest conversation about wants and needs, then try seeing a couples’ therapist. I’ve done group and family therapy, and those people are PROS at facilitating conversation. You’ll wonder how you ever made it this far in life without them!

  8. I haven't told them they're wrong? I'm trying to tell them the whole story? I'm honestly trying to gather up the strength to distance myself, realising there's a strong trauma bond. It's not that easy though. No need to be rude.

  9. He is escalating. Currently he's threatening to kill you, and explaining how he plans to do it. This isn't about him apologising. This is about you surviving.

  10. Because he wanted to have his cake and eat it too. And he is probably mad that he can't abuse/control you anymore.

  11. i’m so confused as to why you would do this??? considering you’re planning on marrying this man and you online with him i’m going to assume that you’ve known him for at least two years or more and that you know him well…..why would you suddenly think he’s hiding an abusive past??? this is all very weird and you’re definitely in the wrong.


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