Valen-scott on-line sex chats for YOU!

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15 thoughts on “Valen-scott on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. If you don't want to have sex, by all means continue the relationship. Don't give her shit though. If you want sex, end things and go find a more compatible partner. Even if she does have sex with you, you know it's only chore sex, and not what she really wants. You don't want that either. You two are simply not compatible.

  2. Well…do you want someone who'll treat you with respect and be loyal, like a decent man would do, or do you want to be his “end game” bang maid that's just disposable to him?

    Turn him in, get your power back, do it for you and for his future victims that you can save from his predatory behavior.

  3. Do NOT go into “Savior” mode. You cannot help this guy. Your family is right, he’s toxic, and you are well rid of him.

  4. Never let a man show you that he doesn't want you more than once.

    Pick up what's left of your dignity, take the L, heal, and date again when ready.

  5. On the plus side he seems obsessed enough with the list, that if he cheats, you will be able to find out pretty easily. This guy is gross.

  6. Honestly he’s 24 and bouncing around jobs because he can’t get himself out of bed on time to handle his responsibilities. Do you want to deal with this at 30? 38? 40? 50 years old? What’s your breaking point as this looks like your future.

    As someone who’s had to hire people, having a bunch of jobs for 6 months at a clip on a resume puts their resume in the “do not touch” file.

  7. People are ascribing good intentions to the parents, but in grieving, there is often a strange hunger to own touch and smell everything that belonged to the deceased. I think you should leave it awhile but point out that the letter is private and addressed to you, and that they should respect the deceased’s wishes. Just a thought:may be they could copy the letter, or- do the police have a copy as evidence?

  8. YOU didn't fuck up, he did by bringing this shit in to your marriage just because he wanted to have sex with his coworker. Now he's feeling jealous and insecure and so is his coworker. You are taking the brunt of their selfish ass bullshit. Taking abuse from her AND your husband? Nah fuck that. They are just getting a little taste of real life. They wanted this now they're dealing with the fallout (their own jealousy). It sounds like you and the other husband had a nice time together and they didn't like that BUT it's their fault. THEY DID THIS, stop taking their bullshit. Tell the wife to get fucked next time she texts. If she's feeling insecure tell her to sort it out between her and her husband. Tell your husband that he bought this situation into your marriage and it's not up to you to salve his ego. Suggest counselling and put the responsibility right where it needs to be. On their shoulders. You sound like a nice woman who was just trying to please her husband and stay married. He changed your marriage, not you.

  9. Man, judging by the amount of downvotes for anyone saying this was “Cute” or “Funny” I think we do.

  10. In an absolute sense you’re just being fragile and insecure and reading way too much into her comment. Shake off the masculinity trap, gather up your self esteem and move on. She wasn’t trying to slight you, so stop ruminating over it.


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