ValerieDiaz live! sex chats for YOU!

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53 thoughts on “ValerieDiaz live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Mate, she raped you.

    Sure, you may have liked it, but look at it from a different angle :

    She did not respect your bodily autonomy and used you against your will.

    What does that say about her?

  2. Yes. Some US states even have lower ages of consent. In my state it’s 16, so she wouldn’t even face repercussions if it had been a couple years ago while they were a minor. It’s messed up, but true.

  3. Why don’t you simply ask her whether she wants to have sex or wait until your relationship is more developed. Don’t mention your sex drive, just ask her whether she would rather wait to have sex.

  4. There is no 'good' stalking. Stalking is an inherently negative thing. Just because your intentions are good doesn't mean it isn't creepy and obsessive. You can learn everything about your partner without doing this

  5. I have no shame in my game friend. I’m happy to exist in hostile environments, your judgment doesn’t make me sad.

  6. u/mylifeisnowgarbage, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. When people aren’t insecure about everything you can get them gifts just because they liked them.


    I that I am a woman. Look up my post history if you must. And I say this because I'm about to say kind of turns my stomach to do the gender reversal men usually do but I have to because the hypocrisy is fucking ridiculous right now.

    I read a post from a woman today whose younger sister paraded her hot self in front of OP's boyfriend. Dude did everything right. He not only ignored very hot younger sister, he told OP what happened as soon as she got home.

    But because bf did not run from his own bedroom screaming with ripping his eyeballs out of his skull, the comments were saying he did something wrong when he did everything right.

    If OP was a guy who knew his gf's sister had a crush on him and he accepted a gift an expensive, personal gift from her… you heifers would be screaming how that's a red flag, he's a pig, he wants to screw her, why did he accept the gift, blah blah blah.

    Oh, but because OP's a woman who accepts an inappropriate gift from her bf's brother, your literally going to sit there an twist and contort yourselves with a fuck ton of excuses as to how this is okay when you know for a fact you would not accept this if the genders were reversed?

    Are we fucking serious? And goddam all of you for making me take the man's side of this argument.

    Shame on every one of you.

  8. I don't think he even wants to leave, he just wants to make her beg and plead and think she's not good enough.

  9. He’s 34 but acts like he’s 12, trust me when I say this but you can find someone else and do so much better.

  10. I had a friend who was in an emotionally abusive relationship. One of his ‘things’ was that he, at first, would make “suggestions” of what my friend should wear; eventually it became that she would have to send him a picture of her outfits before she went out, and he would approve or disapprove them. If she was wearing something too revealing, too tight, too provocative etc. he would say she had to change. It was a method of controlling her.

    That’s not necessarily what’s going on here, but is he controlling of any other aspects of you/your relationship?

    It could ‘just’ be that he likes you but wishes you looked different, which is a red flag anyway in my opinion. He should like you as you are, or move on. No one should have to change themselves for their partner.

  11. I always marvel how in relationships, two people literally are intimate enough to engage in sex, but scrabble over food

  12. Comunication in a long-term relationship falters in even the best relationships.

    How do 2 “I's” form a “we”? one individual perspective is not more important then the others. One individual's needs don't outweigh the others. Respect goes both ways.

  13. Be direct. Hinting, signaling, implying, and waiting is you not taking responsibility for your own happiness.

    Better to be temporarily embarrassed than to potentially waste time hanging on to and hoping for something that may not even exist. Tell him. If you get rejected, now you know and can seek that connection elsewhere.

  14. Oh yeah, he's gay or at least bi. Honestly, it's probably over, if he's not willing to open the relationship, he'll end up cheating on you. Let him go, he'll come back to you if he's meant to.

  15. Give the cat to someone who will live! and care for it. You too need to stay together because you are both assholes and don’t need to be spreading that around.

  16. Why do you want to be kind? You've already been kind, he's ignored you and your answers. Just send him a message saying you're not interested and that's final. Then block his number.

  17. And next week you’ll be posting “ help, wife confesses to being in love with her bestie”…… don’t do it dude-not with someone so close to her

  18. noted, I'm sorry for being mean. but tbf, it's very easy to miss the point you're actually making in the original comment.

  19. So you want to seduce your friend's boyfriend and undermine their relationship. Please be trolling. This is reprehensible.

  20. Keep tracking her. When you see she is at this location again, go to it and Park next to her or a few cars away. Then call her and ask where she is. If she lies again, there is no question she is being unfaithful. Tell her you have some exciting news you need to share with her and want to tell her in person now and ask her to meet you somewhere near soon. Then wait for her to come out to her car, maybe even lean against hers as she comes out. She will be shocked. Tel, her thanks for confirming what you suspected. That the exciting news is that you are no longer a couple, so she no longer has to lie and hide her cheating. Then just drive away. Do not talk or let her engage you with more lies.

  21. You want monogamy. Leave and date someone who wants monogamy.

    The actual breakup will hurt but it will hurt in a way that eventually stops hurting. Staying will just keep hurting.

  22. Good thing you didn’t have a kid with him. However, they will still continue this game until they get a baby with someone or put in jail for rape.

  23. First paragraph was only needed. While yes, as someone who has multiple mental issues, it's always important to ask someone else if they can handle your load of crap. However, sometimes it's too heavy to carry, and to ask only puts oneself in danger(go ahead and ask me how i know. Please don't, you might cry.) She may have not known how to ask or even didn't want to bother asking because she was afraid of rejection.

    DO NOT GO DOWN THE PATH OF REJECTION! I stopped talking to my brother because I didn't want to hear his problems. 6 years later and he's been 6 feet under for 4. Do not take this path. Please.

  24. First off don't sit here and make assumptions about me. I'm trying to tell you about how he may think. Don't pander to me. That's still not disrespecting her, he just doesn't like doing it, and it is what it is. If a man was on here complaining his girl wpuldnt blow him I doubt youd be anywhere near as loud. Anyway These two should split. It's not gonna be good for either of them and they both sound immature anyay

  25. I’m sorry to say this but you seem like the rescue plan and the safe place to fall. I don’t know if it will ever improve. You should probably give yourself a deadline to see improvement or leave. Maybe this person will achieve some self awareness and awareness of you after the surgery but it’s unlikely.

  26. I feel like you need to have a serious conversation with your boyfriend. Explain to him how you feel like she crosses the line and her behavior around him makes you uncomfortable, and that his decision to continue doing streaks with her on Snapchat, after telling him how you don’t like it makes you feel disrespected in the relationship. Speak calmly and don’t point fingers or make accusations, just explain how you feel. Try to have an open and honest conversation with him about it. Explain to him what he could do to help you feel better. For example: “it would make me feel a lot more secure in our relationship if you would stop doing Snapchat streaks with Nadia” or something to that effect. Try not to let the serious conversation turn into an argument.

    Unfortunately there’s no way you can make your boyfriend do anything, all you can do is tell him how his actions make you feel and how his actions are hurting your relationship and hope he listens and makes changes from there. You can tell him what to do until you’re blue in the face but if he doesn’t want to, then he’s not going to.

  27. Be even less detailed.

    “I know what you are doing. I hope it was worth it.”

    Never explain how you know.

  28. These aren't trivial matters. This is what every married person tells you poisoned their relationship.

    Ask yourself honestly- do you like this man? If you take out the feelings of love, if you take out the history you share, is this a man you admire? Someone whose traits you'd love to see in your children?

    I suspect the answer is no. You do not admire nor respect him. You love him sure, but relationships don't run on love. They run on this trivial stuff as you call it. Because the trivial stuff reveals how your partner actually feels about you. How much respect and love they have.

    You can't get married to him. Not while you are holding him in contempt like this.

    I'd say maybe its ultimatum time. Tell him clearly what your issue is, how it makes you feel and make it clear that's not the life you want.

    If he really loves you and is capable of change he'll work it out. Because you are not asking for much from a modern man.

  29. You already stooped way below with that niiiice comment about a stick hanging from someone's ass.

    Internet remembers your personal assholery.

  30. It doesn’t really sound like she’s capable of having a healthy relationship right now. Is she getting any treatment for her issues?

  31. He apologized so that makes everything ok…when my neighbor throws a brick through my window and apologizes, well thats ok. Sure I still have a broken window but the apology takes the sting out. Sure he is standing outside another window with a brick in his hand but he wont throw it. He told me he wouldnt, so nothing to worry about..

    Really think long and hot about how much someone has to do to cheat on you for months, keeping you unaware, only 'apologizing' after he got the wise thing and find someone who wont cheat on you in the first place. dump the guy and move on. Make one of the best decisions of our adult life and start recognizing your self worth..last think you will never be able to have a truly healthy relationship with someone who has cheated on you. At your age you can write it off as a learning experience. Perhaps your bf can learn too for the next person and be a better person. You can be part of that learning lesson and show him by enforcing everyones supposed boundry. Cheating isnt allowed or we are over..I bet you thought that. Everyone pretty much agrees on that in relationships. Yet somehow, someway, once the cheating happens, people just cant bring themselves to enforce a boundary. Hopefully you do.

  32. I used to ask my now husband the same “first date questions” repeatedly when we first started dating and he was understandably annoyed. I just told him that I had been on a lot of first dates in the period immediately before we met, so I’d had that conversation over and over and over. Remembering his particular answers was nude, not because I wasn’t paying attention but because I couldn’t remember who said what. He was good humored about it and kind of ribbed me for a while, but no one got their feelings hurt. That seems really immature….

  33. his insecurities about men that I could potentially talk to but don't really exist

    Aka, his insecurities about himself

  34. He’s looking for a fight to validate what he already believes about women. He thinks they lie and this is the lie he caught you in,

  35. He will not stop, because he has no reason to, yet. Some ppl never do and end up homeless or dead. You need to walk away now before his addiction ruins your life. He will lose his job,he will steal, he will get you evicted. He's already made the choice between you and the drugs, the drugs won. The drugs will always win.

    He will drag you down into the hell he is choosing and making if you let him. The person you loved is gone and all that is left is a druggy.

    I'm speak from personal experience here. You can't save him. He has to want to save himself.


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