Victorialii live! sex cams for YOU!

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28 thoughts on “Victorialii live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Man, I think you’d do us all a favor if you reveal his name or a photo or whatever cuz I, as a lady do not want to run into him ?

    Ps: I’m sure it’s illegal but I just felt like saying that

  2. Except legality has everything to do with it and your own personal morality actually has nothing to do with it.

  3. Lot's of problems here.

    You're together with your ex, but are gonna confess to this friend. That's very dishonest behavior. If you're genuine, you break up with your gf before pursuing someone else. Otherwise you are just hedging your bets and being cheaty. Especially if you think your gf is abusive, there's nothing holding you back from breaking up with her and behave like a honest man. If someone came to me and confessed their feelings, but were still together with their gf, I would consider them dishonest and reject them. If they go behind their gfs back, they will go behind your back too. When you get sick of her, instead of breaking up, you will confess your feelings to someone else behind her back.

    Your friend seems to have been flirting with you when you were single. But you seem to be very bad at understanding other people. You think that not going home with you (a lot of women would not do that before in a committed relationship as they don't want to imply they want sex), was a signal she was not interested. You didn't even try to ask her out, blaming it on “giving her space”. But it seems you were just afraid to, and when your ex came back, you took her back because that's easier.

    You're suddenly angry with your friend and call her an idiot for doing exactly what you're doing- being with a shitty person. I can't even begin to fathom how you can name call someone you supposedly like. That's disrespectful. You can disagree with someone without name calling them. This makes me think you are abusive too.

    You also said she didn't consider you a worthy try. A very entitled and selfish opinion. It's about her safety and well being, not about what you feel about her not taking an interest in you. That being said, she seem to have signaled you several times that she was interested, but she never got any signals back. On top of that you went back to your abusive ex instead of asking her out. Ofc she would not consider you when you blatantly reject her and even chooses someone abusive over asking her out for a freaking coffee.

    Both your ex and yourself have some growing up to do before getting involved in relationships.

  4. I don't know about you but after I gave birth the first time I wondered if it would ever be the same again. ( I know it “snaps” back) but the thought was still there. The timing might not have been right, but it's a genuine concern.

  5. OMG betrayed by someone you are in a relationship with is bad enough…. but your mother's betrayal takes this to a whole new level. YES< he is a sick person and you need to stay away from him. There is nothing left to salvage. He sexted with your MOM! Not some stranger. Your mother! He is not the kind, decent person he pretended to be with you. He is a manipulative con-artist who pulled the wool over your eyes. Please cut him off. Tell him to leave you the hell alone and then block him at every turn. Take comfort in your friends and other family members. As far as forgiving your mom goes, maybe.... in time, and with a lot of therapy (both you AND her). She is clearly a very, very messed up person if she thought sexting and camming with her daughter's boyfriend was an ok thing to do. So forgiving will be one thing, letting go of the negative feelings will be good for you to work towards... but I would suggest never trusting her ever again and keeping her at arms length as she is likely to continue to disappoint you. Seriously, I think that I am just losing faith in humanity today.

  6. OMG betrayed by someone you are in a relationship with is bad enough…. but your mother's betrayal takes this to a whole new level. YES< he is a sick person and you need to stay away from him. There is nothing left to salvage. He sexted with your MOM! Not some stranger. Your mother! He is not the kind, decent person he pretended to be with you. He is a manipulative con-artist who pulled the wool over your eyes. Please cut him off. Tell him to leave you the hell alone and then block him at every turn. Take comfort in your friends and other family members. As far as forgiving your mom goes, maybe.... in time, and with a lot of therapy (both you AND her). She is clearly a very, very messed up person if she thought sexting and camming with her daughter's boyfriend was an ok thing to do. So forgiving will be one thing, letting go of the negative feelings will be good for you to work towards... but I would suggest never trusting her ever again and keeping her at arms length as she is likely to continue to disappoint you. Seriously, I think that I am just losing faith in humanity today.

  7. OMG betrayed by someone you are in a relationship with is bad enough…. but your mother's betrayal takes this to a whole new level. YES< he is a sick person and you need to stay away from him. There is nothing left to salvage. He sexted with your MOM! Not some stranger. Your mother! He is not the kind, decent person he pretended to be with you. He is a manipulative con-artist who pulled the wool over your eyes. Please cut him off. Tell him to leave you the hell alone and then block him at every turn. Take comfort in your friends and other family members. As far as forgiving your mom goes, maybe.... in time, and with a lot of therapy (both you AND her). She is clearly a very, very messed up person if she thought sexting and camming with her daughter's boyfriend was an ok thing to do. So forgiving will be one thing, letting go of the negative feelings will be good for you to work towards... but I would suggest never trusting her ever again and keeping her at arms length as she is likely to continue to disappoint you. Seriously, I think that I am just losing faith in humanity today.

  8. I think you're right, it seems like there's not really anything I can do to get my parents to be more accepting. It's not really that I care about their opinions so much as that I find their behavior very disrespectful and offensive, but I suppose it's their right to behave that way. I wish they weren't dragging my siblings into it, but oh well.

  9. Consider if you want to marry someone who insists on you showing value through materialistic gestures like an expensive ring. If she really wanted you for the right reasons it wouldn’t matter how much you spent on a ring. They’re extortionately overpriced anyway.

  10. You’re the mistress here man. You don’t really get a say. She will do what she wants to do.

    Your job is to respect whatever boundaries she draws to the extent your moral compass allows.

  11. You know what you have to do. Even if that means going back home. You can work with the loan company to find a payment solution. They would like their money at some point so I expect they will work with you.

  12. If someone cheated when young and has then settled down and accepted responsibility in their 30s, I'd be ok with it.

    In this case, it sounds like she's given you tons of excuses for her behavior instead of just accepting she was wrong to cheat instead of ending it. She will always be able to find or make up an excuse….


  13. If I were grandma I’d be ashamed I raised a guy who couldn’t step up for a daughter he brought into this world.

  14. I just…okay then. Well if that’s how you like your sex then go for it, but like I said laser focusing on the orgasm or lack thereof is clearly making things difficult. I suggest you talk to him about feeling unfeminine, and maybe talk about ways you can boost your confidence in the bedroom so you don’t have to rely on his orgasm alone as validation for your femininity. You should be able to enjoy sex and feel beautiful during it.

  15. You're going to end up getting hurt by this girl eventually my dude, she sounds like an immature manipulative little child, along with her little friends.

    Think about if this relationship is even worth it, I guarantee you she's trying to get away with cheating on you.

  16. This guy needs to feel like he's lazy and his feelings need to be hurt.

    You don't get anywhere in life by being coddled

  17. Oh, your dad is already planning on disowning you. I can smell the “Christian” martyr complex already.

    He can't wait to tell everyone how you abandoned your fate or tell his trump buddies you're a liberal.

  18. Well, at least you are honest about it. But advice on this post is nothing more than stroking your ego until we actually know why she is asking you for money.

    I've had girls ask me for money and it's rarely an easy thing for them to do. And usually caused by some unfair circumstance like getting injured, wrongly termination, depression, etc.

  19. Get on the internet. Find some foot porn. Make a note of some of the things that they do.

    Try them with your husband and see which ones you both have fun with.

  20. were so conditioned into thinking partnership means being together all the time (and even in that conditioning nothing like this extent) I feel like the wording ” i haven't been allowed alone time” freaks me out….. i would figure out how you want your life to look, hold that image clear in your head and break up with him in public. When he tells you that you cant break up with him, or if he threatens to kill himself or something, remember people are responsible for their own emotions. You are not responsible for him. You're not his mom. You're responsible for building a life that makes you happy

  21. My son also has autism (level 2) as well as adhd and anxiety. Have your tried vocational rehab? I signed him up for a service that pairs him with a work coach to work on skills he would need for working. He is 16 I’m not sure if they have something like that in your area for young adults.

  22. OP, yes you need to leave, and you also need to work on yourself. Looks like there is abuse on both sides of this relationship. You acknowledge it in your post, but seem to always lay the blame on your partner.

    My mother always did this, yes my father was abusive, but my mom also used it as her excuse to abuse him and others around her.

    It was always he who made her act like this. Never took responsibility for her own actions, even though she was starting the pattern as much as him.

    I also urged my mother to leave and who ask you to do the same, he will not change, you need to get out. But recognise, that you need to change too.


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