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20 thoughts on “Violeta live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I did. Actually, it was not so hard. She is a romantic, dreamy girl who likes those movies where the girl and the guy are separated by bigger forces (war etc…) and she always cries/gets moved by seeing the scene where the girl opens the locket and looks at the picture of her beloved.

    That's how I got the idea. Pretty easy for me though… I cant believe this is considered difficult for boyfriends. Finding the appropriate gift is easy

  2. Well he's 25 and dating someone he has to get on an airplane to see. He chose you because it can't possibly get that serious. Suggest moving there to be close to him and he'll finish breaking up with you.

  3. I told him to stay at his moms and he refused

    Talk to him and explain you need the space and time to heal and he needs to earn your trust back

  4. In my experience of having multiple friends in their early twenties, when dating someone with more than 10 years older, it is often toxic. Maybe 30 and 40 is not a big deal but 20-30 is. It always start with the love bomb, luxurious trip,flowers, bags. Than the mask slipped off…

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Girlfriend insists on travelling the world solo

    I (23m) can't understand why my girlfriend (22f) would want to travel the world on her own. We have been together for 1 year and she is starting to plan a trip to Europe that has no ending. She plans on quitting her job and booking a 1 way ticket to Europe to begin travelling around world with no stress about leaving me behind and insists she wants to do this solo.

    This relationship is the best relationship either of us have ever been in, we are open, communicate well and have developed an amazing connection, we both agree that we could be the one for each other.

    I find it hard to understand, because if I were to travel, all I would want to do is share it with the people I love and to experience the different cultures of the world with her.

    I even brought up the idea of me going along for the first month of the trip and then heading home, but she doesn't want to be constrained by my 1 month limit and have to rush around to different countries in the time that I am over there.

    If anyone has some experience with something similar, or any advice, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Edit: She has stated many times she will remain loyal and that our relationship is still something extremely important to her but she can't let it get in the way of the dream she has had for so many years. (Does this change anyone's thoughts?)

  6. One lie leads to another and for a pathological liar, their life will be nothing but a tangled web of lies and deceit. You'll never be able to trust him because a leopard cannot change its spots. Once a person becomes habituated to lying, they cannot stop. You deserve someone who lives life with honesty and integrity.

  7. Right now it seems like he's afraid to get you pregnant so soon.

    The only thing I can add to what you are already doing is a support group. Hearing from others who have suffered this kind of loss and what they are doing might help.

  8. I feel like throwing away my relationship is throwing away the life that I have

    It is. But by NOT leaving that relationship, you are throwing away the future that you might have. The longer you stay, the more miserable it will get

  9. Sorry but you’re going to probably going to have to end the relationship.

    Your BF will likely not be able to “get over it” as it’s not a case of “your past is your past” it’s a case of “your past is waving around in my face regularly”

    And next time, try not to date someone who is friends with someone you fucked before.

    Think on it – say your BF slept with one of your friends, one you see every week at the minimum, and that friend has at least once, if not more asked about your BF. How would you feel? And even if you start off by feeling okay about it, how are you going to feel each week, thinking about the 2 of them together?

  10. You were her emotional crutch. She sought out someone else to be her sexual crutch. Her libido was only low for you, not the other guy. Let that sink in. She only wanted you to stay in her life to be her emotional hug doll, nothing more. She brings no value to your future.

  11. these posts are common in that they are about absolution and not validation. Nobody has a crystal ball. If you want to explore, explore.

    Don't stay in a relationship out of fear of not finding something better. It's not fair to either of you.

  12. She needs to grieve first. She's not thinking logically, but emotionally.

    Ask her to wait a while. If she still feels as strongly in a few months, then you'll table the discussion again.

  13. He needs therapy to work through HIS issue. It would probably be best if you also go together, but again it’s not your job to persuade him to trust you.

    And giving him access, showing him your phone, letting him view all your socials is never going to solve this. His fear isn’t rational so he will tell himself there’s something else you are hiding.

    You are right, this is an issue that will never go away unless he actively works on it. But it will benefit both of you. Any relationship he has will have this same issue because it’s about him, not anything you did or didn’t do.

  14. He hasn’t said it to me, only my cousin who is also his friend. When I have bumped into him he has been extremely respectful and hasn’t tried to flirt or cross boundaries. I wouldn’t say he is acting out of line but maybe we have different thresholds.

  15. You need to remember every one is different,you don’t know what was happening in your ex friend couple. He did what he did because he is a cheat person, you know your partner and never show you any signs so don’t let those terrible thoughts destroy what you have. At the moment you will accept the fact ypu can’t control someone actions but can control how you will react you will be able to continue your life. Spend time with your boyfriend,focus on what is good and just think on the good things it will happen to both of you. Be positive to Attract the positive


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