Yereth-Lewis on-line sex cams for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Yereth-Lewis on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yeah.

    And this might be the case of mothers sick obssession with her son. Ivee seen this waaay too many times.

    Maybe thats why theres so much context missing.

  2. Perfect.

    Since its all in the family you can always get some feedback from the folks

    regarding their take on this arrangement. Put on your Best “Wide-eyed Wonder”

    look and express your curiousity about this particular business model you

    “obviously” were unfamiliar with. In fact it might make interesting dinner

    conversation the next time you come for a visit. No sense in trying to talk

    you out of suspicions ytou already have.

    You got 'em? You act on them.

  3. Misread and thought he splurged. That def changes things but it also sounds like OP knew about her spending before getting hitched.

    Point still stands, she needs to change her ways, he needs to help eat her debt and then mange their finances himself, or get divorced. I don't think OP needs to post on here to know he needs to get a professional financial advisor involved or a divorce lawyer. I don't know what we can say to him. He knows his wife better.

    If his wife is gonna spend irresponsibly, it'll take her acknowledging her financial illiteracy and working on it either way, whether he stays or not. But otherwise OP is gonna keep hitting his head against a brick wall because it sounds like she is refusing to see why she's creating extra stress for someone sge cares about. Maybe she won't change. Therapy, ultimatum, divorce, not much else he can do without his wife stepping up.

  4. Then you're doing the best you can right now.

    No more oops with the contraception, please.

    You've found out the hard way that it's easier to prevent. I'm not judging you for your choices, please don't think I am. I've seen how much it hurts first hand. Both when it's ended, and when a child is raised in a bad situation.

    I wish you peace, and I'm sorry for your loss.

  5. I really don't understand the people that value a ring over the person they are with? What does it matter if you get married now vs 2, 5, 10 years down the line, you're still gonna be with that same person doing the exact same things you would have done just with a signed piece of paper?

    He may not be ready for a whole load of reasons, we can only speculate here as to why he hasn't done it yet. On the flip side, if you really want to now… Its 2022, you could always buy him a ring and propose yourself?

    Something similar happened to me and my ex, I told her from the beginning I have a 2 year rule (I'd never propose to someone before that time because I feel 2 years is the shortest time to truly get to know someone). Unfortunately, she took that to believe 2 years is when I'd propose… I wasn't ready so I didn't propose until we were together 5 years after she was badgering me to (I wanted to at this point but it felt almost forced as she kept asking) – and guess what? It no longer felt special because of her constant hounding for it. After I proposed I guess she realised she was in love with the idea of marriage more than me and left with the ring, this is one reason why men are reluctant to propose these days ?

  6. You need to lay it out clearly. Her behaviour and lack of support is unacceptable. That you are re-considering your marriage unless she makes an effort to change and therapy (together and maybe single for her) is needed to help get to the root of her feelings. Did you have plans for a kid(S) together when you married?

  7. he's probably going to get defensive and tell me why my feelings are wrong as he has each time before. I feel like the mother of a teenage boy

    This is reason enough to leave him. You tried to talk to him about it and he told you were wrong. He's immature (like a “teenage boy”) and he's never going to change. Continue to put up with it (and perhaps it gets worse when you start to WFH as you said) or leave him. You're very young and have plenty of time to find better.

    I think he's happier than I am.

    Of course he is, he's got it made!

    I'm starting to see him differently. I'm feeling quite resentful, and I'm even starting to feel less attracted and interested in him.

    You know this isn't going to work; it's only a matter of time. Figure out your financial situation because you should not stay stuck in this situation for financial reasons. Get a roommate if you have to.

  8. Thank you very much

    I definitely think I'm along the same lines as this. I probably won't bring up a date with her again for a while, and let her open up if she feels like it since she knows how I feel.

  9. My ex called me out of the blue on a number that I did not recognize and I didn’t tell him because he spirals and makes things out to be more than they are. If I could do it over again, I would’ve told him.

  10. I wouldn’t be sure it was a joke.

    So leave them.

    When they complain, tell them they can pick what type of person they are, the lowest form of scum, a cheater, or the next to lowest, someone who jokes about cheating on their partner.

    Either way you deserve someone who will treat you with the love and respect that you deserve.

  11. Tell him what happened. Say the police have some evidence left at the scene, although they haven't shared specifics with you, but they sound hopeful. Observe anything odd.

    Otherwise, treat normally. And get a camera on the area.

  12. Jesus Christ please don’t go back to this guy. “I found a pic of them hiking together the day before” NOWHERE in your arrangement did it say/suggest/imply that he was spending time with his ex beyond dropping the dog off… AND she didn’t know you were dating????

    You found out you were the side piece. Thank your lucky stars you got away.

  13. Hits pretty close to home for me.

    Had an ex like this. Very few real friends and none lived nearby. No consistent hobbies. I felt like her only source of entertainment and it was honestly a lot of pressure when I didn’t always want to do stuff. Before I knew it I was looking enjoying the brief pockets of alone time I’d get more than spending time with her. Obviously that wasn’t sustainable.

    After we broke up it was clear we weren’t really compatible as people. She needed someone more like her who was always wanting to go places and do stuff and I needed someone who needed less of that.

    I’m not saying your relationship can’t work out. But you need to be careful and protect your time to wind down, because if you’re not happy neither of you will be. Same goes for her with finding friends.

  14. He said I sounded ridiculous and he wasn’t going to stop doing it because I talk a lot of shite.

    This right here would make me livid. I hope he apologized for his extreme disrespect.

    The lack of cleaning seems like a depression issue. How long has he been on the meds?

    I think his mental health might preventing him from tidying up. Also, many people have different expectations of cleanliness. I would just not clean his dishes. I would go as far as buying my own dishes and not allowing him to use them if he doesn't clean them. Put all his dishes in a tote where he can't ignore them. Stop nagging because it's not working.

    Accepting or leaving are your only options right now as it seems you've already tried talking about it.

  15. You right! I just think there’s more to the story than is being let on. 3.5 years and nothing’s changed?! There’s more to it. Besides, not sure why he’s asking if he’s already made up his mind.

  16. No no. She is a control freak.

    Trust is a mutual thing. She has never trusted him, that’s why she wanted unrequited access to all his devices and every aspect of his life.

    The only thing I can blame the guy for is being secretive. He should have broke this relationship off as soon as he realised he was dating Sherlock Holmes in Karen form.

  17. Either she has some severe mental health issues to randomly be so insanely mean to someone who has been over the top helpful to her with out getting anything in return —or— someone told her something about you or about something you’ve said about her behind her back (whether it’s true or a lie).

    I guess there’s a third option that some guy she’s dating sent that to you or forced her to because he jealous of your closeness with her.

    Regardless, none of this is healthy for you. Even if someone told her that you said something about her behind her back, the only healthy response would be for her to have a conversation with you about it. It’s the very least she could do for someone who has been there for her as a friend more than what sounds like any other friend or family has (again, I assume without you getting any physical intimacy in return).

    Maybe you can get some closure with her and try to at least get an explanation, but either way you need out of this unhealthy and unbalanced relationship where you are doing everything for her without any of the benefits of the type of relationship that I’m sure you desire. I’m a little shocked she would willingly cut this gravy train off.

  18. She might not be looking for a sugar daddy. My guess is she's into you.

    All the same, at some point relationships need to be reciprocal.

    Advice: go slow.


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