???? the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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146 thoughts on “???? the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You’re way too young for this. If he wants to hook up with other people let him. That just shows he doesn’t respect you or your relationship. You have a whole life ahead of you love, don’t waste it on a boy. Go find yourself a man?

  2. It’s disrespectful. Let him know that you know and you’re not okay with it. He needs to decide how much he values you.

  3. Im sorry to hear that…his family are assholes, hopefully you two can find a way to keep seeing each other but if not, I hope you find someone who will be with you for you and not let others influence them.

  4. Save yourself the future heart ache and find someone you are compatible with Your current partner is on a self discovery journey and you stand the risk of being lied, manipulated and potentially abandoned No need to wait for his journey to end as it has already started You deserve love and commitment

  5. So what does being bi or gay have to do with the story? does the sex of who he is cheating on you with matter? he cheated on you point blank. please don't minimize your feelings just due to that.

    it takes a lot to deliberately go to a club, find someone to hook up with, and fuck them in a public bathroom. and then to repeatedly lie when you're onto him already? he was going to take it to the grave unless you brought it up. that's a lot of bad choices to make up for.

  6. No, there is nothing in semen that “makes you to be more attracted to your man?”

    You might feel a closer intimacy, but there's nothing else to it.

  7. No child should ever be their parent's second choice. Actions have consequences and your mom made her bed and is only now upset that she has to lie in it. Add in the extra trauma and pain you must have losing her after your dad and I have never had less sympathy for a person. Not to mention she continued her relationship with Brad after learning he bullied you?? What a sorry excuse for a mother, she and Brad deserve each other. Go forth and thrive OP!

  8. Have you gotten an ultrasound? Sex used to be painful for me and then I discovered I had ovarian cyst (PCOS). Maybe try getting an ultrasound if you haven’t already

  9. You and your “dump her” friends are ridiculous and insecure. It’s also controlling to demand she throw away her own things because you’re being ridiculously insecure about them. I can’t believe she’s humoring your asinine demand and you’re STILL being paranoid.

  10. Sounds like she does not want to start dating you again at present due to hormones and risks of break ups and ups and downs and not wanying to take advantage of you and understanding that u not feeling the same way

  11. Your mind is telling you this is wrong because you pushed down those feelings for so long and told yourself they were wrong. That is naked to break… but those feelings aren’t wrong. It is just a faulty brain pathway stuck in a loop.

    Being sexual with another is wonderful when consensual and can be healing. Please… go for it… but don’t force yourself… just go out and try… even that might be hard but it is a step toward moving forward after trauma.

  12. I have put on a bit of weight due not being as active

    42lbs isn't just a bit of weight. It's fair to say this injury has totally changed both of your lives. The common interest of being fit you guys have shared has gone out the window. Even though gaining weight may be inconsequential in your eyes, if he's not attracted to it, and it effects sex between you.. and that makes it a serious problem. And you don't hang out 3/4 times a week anymore, you stay home from work and put on 42lbs. That's turning him off/away from you.

    I’ve lost just over a stone

    You don't need advice, just keep doing what you're doing.

    I'd be mad too if an injury took the best parts of my relationship away.

  13. u/Glad_Basil_5633, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  14. Truthfully, all I see are excused for the fact that you'd rather have Christmas with your side of the family than with your husband.

    YOURE A TEAM!!!!

    Husband can't go, then neither can the rest of you.

    You have brought your parents, especially your dad, into your marriage. Of course your Dad is going to say those horrible things about your husband because it wasn't dealt with within your marriage. Your dad is being petty AF. And your husband was right to say what he did.

    As for 3-12 hour shifts, that's a lot and tiring. Still not an excuse for your husband to have not helped. But at this point that's in the past.


    You need to start sticking up for your husband before this gets worse. And yes, YOU need to be the one to speak to your dad. Grow a freaking spine.

  15. You throw really good parties I guess. Sucks they aren’t really your friends, and only like your parties.

    Also fuck those friends who said “it was a smaller wedding”, with 200 people? Man tell those guys if they really care that much about this couple, they’re free to not come to the party either smh.

  16. u/Apprehensive_Quote58, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  17. I don't even care about any of that. What I care about is your wife is putting your infant daughter in the bed with her.

    This is a terrible practice. Your daughter could be accidentally suffocated, #1. #2 is poor sleep hygiene for everyone involved.

  18. u/No-Commercial3469, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  19. yeah, some people with fully formed brains still act like children. a lot of the time imo it's trauma that causes people to stay stuck like that.

    that being said, you DO NOT have the all the tools at your disposal before you have a fully formed brain. there are certain things that even if you wanted to do it, without that pre-frontal cortex, you just genuinely don't have the tool for the job.

    so yeah, the fully formed brain thing is a HUGE factor, even if some people with their fully developed brains don't use them. (OR, use them to get away with being immature and predatory)

  20. No one I know does that; till this post, I'd never even heard of it. So for it to even happen, would mean someone is doing something completely out of the norm/ordinary. If a grandparent showering naked with children is completely unheard of and not done before, then all of a sudden does happen, esp without both parents knowing and giving permission, itd be unacceptable.

  21. Hello /u/rickgraham223,

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  22. I on-line far enough away that I can't have a clear idea of how much this really means in your area, but to me it sounds abundantly enough to rent a small apartment.

    Have a look at the rents in your area. Talk to landlords and real estate agents. Come up with real numbers. Then, when you know for certain what you can afford, talk to your husband and tell him you're moving, with or without him.

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  24. He's trying really naked to say sex is meaningless in which case why does he want it with other people.

    It's a bad idea to stay with him, he's trying hard to justify it which means he's doing it either way. The other thing to consider is that if you stay with him you're consenting to an open relationship. It will always be open, because you set a precedence.

    You both want different things, you've both outgrown this relationship. You both have different values.

  25. Hello /u/Gidds93,

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  26. I still don't get why she is offended. I am her best friend, it shouldn't matter. But if you all agree, I am gonna apologize to her.

    I can't tell the truth to Sara though. She will break up with me. Knowing Aish, she wouldn't want that.

    I am just gonna get on my knees and ask Aish to forgive me. I will call whoever she wants and tell them the truth as long as Sara doesn't find out.

  27. Because then he hides it and acts weird. I would rather just know because he has to lie to his family constantly and I don't want that seeping into our relationship.

  28. No, I have a habit of sleepwalking and that was the case here. I only remember waking up in the bathroom and she told me what happened.

  29. Yes, life is too short to put up with that crap. The children absolutely learn how to adult from watching their parents.

    You sound exhausted by the weight of his lies and childish behaviour.

    It sounds like he hates you to be happy if he isn't involved but makes it an unhappy experience if he does go.

    I am suspecting that you are perhaps feeling guilty that he has been the sole earner for say 2 years and does do housework. Is that enough to give him another 15 years of your life?

    What value does he add to your lives? What reason do you think is making you think about staying?

    Whatever issues he has have not gone away, he doesn't make any effort to add value to your relationship or show you he values you. Are you not worth being cared for and loved?

  30. If she's a committed, practicing Mormon, then you're either gonna have to convert (do not do this) or this relationship is toast.

  31. He has tried absolutely nothing to resolve the situation. So why are you worried about hurting him , he hasn't done squat to consider your feelings? Sounds like he's gay ( not a late bloomer) and jumped on 'grief' to keep you secretly bearding without the obligation to have sex with you.

    I'd be checking his porn use to see what he's really into. Or taking a closer look at his male friendships.

    If he was impotent he'd would have tried and failed at least a few times, and he would be very upset/worried about it, this is not impotence its plain sex avoidance.

    You sexual needs are important and him doing a few extra chores and paying you a compliment or two is frankly a joke. Dump his gay ass!

  32. He shouldn't need to give her money at all, especially if he's really broke. The thing he keeps not answering and I keep wondering is .. “Why doesn't she have any money?” Does this woman have a job? On-line with her parents? Lives in a car and can't afford food?

  33. I'm sorry but she hangs around till 8:00 when you get home at 5:30 yeah that's way too long. I love my mother but that would drive me crazy. Tell your mom thank you by 6:30 unless you're feeding your dinner that you really appreciate your help but you you need her to get out of there so you can get the kids settled into bed. If she goes oh I'll do it for you, say no I really enjoy doing it myself and I want to spend time with the kids since I've been gone all day. She ought to understand that. She's probably trying to spend time with the kids herself but she's not realizing she's forcing you out and not letting you have time with your own kids trying to do it from that perspective. Obviously you don't want to say get the hell out of here you're staying too long. If she gets upset say Mom I love you I really appreciate everything you do but once I'm home I just want to be with my husband and the kids and when you hang around for another two two and a half hours it doesn't let us have any family time together.

  34. You are neither dumb nor stupid. These are things that most people don’t have to actively consider, you should not blame yourself for not doing so yourself.

    Do consider that this is the kind of reason certain men will go for significantly younger, usually less experienced partners.

  35. Not that this is a bad idea, but CPS will get involved and the child will be taken to a safe place. They don’t know WHO is involved, so you will initially be punished as well. Just saying. Scary stuff.

  36. I mean, she can also just say she had a casual boyfriend in college or something. She doesn't have to go around telling people she had a sugar daddy lmao.

  37. I really dont want to lose our friendship

    Ffs what friendship???

    There is a willfuly ignorant girl who plays naive, and a guy who knows her for 5 years and wants to fuck her… That is not a friendship in any way shape or form, stop the bs.

  38. First of all, don’t be a POS and cheat on someone you’ve been with for years. She deserves better. Second, always bear in mind, the grass isn’t always greener. Fair enough if you want to move on and don’t want to be with her, feelings change etc, but do not cheat again, and yes, you’ve already cheated by seeing this other woman.

  39. If you don't wanna have sex : don't have sex and say it plainly. Say you do wish to spend more time with him but that you don't want to be more intimate for the moment.

    You don't have to go into your personal history if you don't feel like it.

    You just need to be honest and know you decide what you feel comfy saying or doing.

  40. Internet mom here. Never have sex just because you believe that they won’t like you if you say no. Because if that’s true, they didn’t really like you to begin with. Hopefully he won’t ask. If he does, say I’d rather take this slow but I have really enjoyed tonight. That’s assuming you do enjoy the date. Have fun. Don’t have sex.

  41. Aaa what a wonderful boyfriend you have there. He's like the best boyfriend ever. Crème dela cream. Do not by any means let him go. Even if it costs you your mental or physical health. you will never get anyone as good as him. Go beg for forgiveness for things you didn't even do as soon as tomorrow

  42. I’m so confused. You expected him to confront you during his birthday while all the guests were there AND while you were already drunk and showing out? The way he approached it was corrected. He waited until you were sober and level headed.

    I’m with everyone else, you’re immature as fuck.

  43. Lmao fr. We don’t have a lot of fights, just little arguments that we solve because we communicate very well. But every time, it’s something that she did. So I feel like I keep complaining, even tho in hindsight they were still worth complaining about, it’s always me doing it. That’s why I get this bitch feeling

  44. All she's been waiting for is for her boss to not be with his wife anymore so she can be with him, to the point where she told you this the day after he moved out of his house.

    You're not her focus anymore OP. I think there is only one solution here that will give you the most peace of mind down the line, with every other option leading to chaos.

  45. You’re not happy with him. You’re not happy where you on-line. You need to start putting yourself and your happiness first. Dump his ass and go home.

  46. Simply put she is taking more than she is putting in. She's getting your 100% and you're getting her 70% back.

    The ground rules would have been reasonable but she broke them all.

    The PDA thing would have been a deal breaker for me.

    She is essentially being a sub for 4 other people but not for you.

    Run and find someone that only wants and needs you.

  47. Bingo bango! I thought the EXACT same thing, it's SHE who has had all these thoughts because, IMO, new co-workers would never do this sort of thing, why would they..She's making crap up as she goes along..Let the break up stand OP because she's never going to be happy. Besides how on earth could she be “out of your league”? I mean she's a hair dresser not a freakin' doctor, no disrespect to Hair Stylists but come on.

  48. Thats a hell of an ultimatum, and she counting on you accepting.

    If you were living together I would say pick the kid up, but you are not.

    She trusts you more than paid help, and you are cheaper than paid help.

    I dont think I would agree, but I am not you.

  49. Would she share her profits ( if there were any)?

    If there was no agreement to share profit, why share loss.

  50. Then don’t invite her, don’t tell her anything. She sounds horrid. But let everyone know that you’re not inviting her, and to expect her to reach out to them.

    I would tell them all that if they decide to respond at all (they aren’t obligated to answer her) that they can send her right back to you. This way they won’t feel like they have to be the bad guy. Unless of course they’d enjoy telling her off, lol.

    But then you don’t have to answer, either. Just let it go to voicemail.

    Become a dead end of communication, a black hole of messages that never get returned.

    She can die mad about it, but she doesn’t deserve a chance to ruin your wedding.

  51. Possible reasons for a sudden change in sexlife:

    Vaginismus(mental) or other diseases, a doctor should be able to diagnose this though.


    Mental illness or extreme stress.

    Something doesn't feel right about this so I would explore all the options.

  52. When she calls you her little brother, call her your old sister. Not older. Your OLD sister.

  53. Okay? That doesn't mean he's ready for a kid. I also have a breeding kink, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to be pregnant for 9 months and parent for the next 18+ years

  54. It seems like a conversation y’all should have had before marriage. If she doesn’t want children, there’s nothing that can OR should be done to change her mind. You wouldn’t want a one sided relationship with a child she didn’t want.

    That being said, I’m sorry that you want a child and your wife doesn’t. It seems like maybe you both should see a counselor to work out the feelings here, but if YOU want children, it may mean divorcing your wife.

  55. Thanks for being so nice, even though we have differing opinions. I was fully expecting to get roasted to hell and back for my beliefs

    I’ll definitely suggest those to him, but he’s pretty dead set on keeping the gun. He said the matters not open for discussion, even though it makes me uncomfortable, but maybe he’ll be receptive to your suggestions

  56. That, my friend, is a special sort of crazy and should be avoided. Think of it as a lucky break. Be sad for a bit, but MOVE ON!

  57. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    i literally broke down in tears after he said it. i feel so sad and ashamed of myself and my body it really hurts. he said my pussy looks like what “his pancakes look like”, because he was making a joke of how he cant make them. obviously he was mocking my vagina primarily. i got a lot of bullying in my life but nothing ever hurt me like this. he noticed i was upset then he tried to say it wasn't meant to make fun of me, now he says it was just a bad joke and im hurting myself by dwelling on it. it could be true im overthinking it but thats because it really got to me. any advice?

  58. If its a serious issue he should accept it genuinely makes you uncomfortable.

    You can approach him and say, “Hey i know you just find it funny and dont mean anything bad by it. But its a stressor for me and its beginning to cross a boundary. No big deal rn but please stop”

  59. Entitled is bad enough. This guy is entitled AND stupid. That's a brutal combination to go through life with.

  60. That lack of attraction is your fault. You let the spark and romance die and now you’re finding it in a 22year old. You should’ve kept dating your wife. I understand it can happen and that’s when you try naked. You selfish lazy ass. Lazy, it’s the only reason you are cheating, because being the sexual man your wife’s needs is too much for you to handle.

  61. nameless funny feeling if you have kids isn’t reasonable. would kind of suck in the case of a years long, healthy relationship as well. but you said sometimes, so i guess i’m adding commentary for no reason lol.

  62. Yeah, knock that crap off, right now. You say he spoils you…. well, perhaps you should look at that and realize that HE thinks you're worth spoiling.

  63. You sound exhausting!

    >I would love to marry her but I don’t think she’s Wife material

    Define “wife material”? Are you looking for a bang maid?

    >. I work a full time job explore my personal hobbies and make sure that I always have time for her. I drive, cook, and clean. As well as make sure I support, encourage, and care for her personal well being.

    That's good. That's a good sign of “husband material”

    > She works a full time job, only has 2 hobbies, knows how to cook 2-5 things, cleans after it builds up for a while( or unless told to do so).

    And how is that bad (unless she's super messy).

    > She doesn’t support/ encourage me as much as I’d like

    How doesn't she support or encourage you?

    >l. I feel like the same love and care I’m putting out I’m not receiving it in return.


    >But I’m not sure how I should tell her that she’s not wife material yet. She has the potential, but lacks the motivation.

    Does she even want to be a wife? And what traits are you looking for in a wife?

  64. “If I dump her, I’m not going to find anyone better” is not a good way to find yourself happy or healthy, whether that be now or in a decade.

    If you think the relationship is worth working on, then you both are going to have to work really naked at this. You’re going to have to be really committed. I don’t know what that looks like for you; therapy separately and/or together, practicing being open with each other, practicing seducing each other and learning about yourselves sexually all sound like good starts. And you both need to be especially kind to each other; you’re both anxious, and sex is really vulnerable.

    It also is possible that this won’t work out. If the reason you’re with this girl is “I don’t think anyone better will like me,” it’s doomed already.

  65. Sadly, it sounds like you love her, or what the person you wish she was, more than you love yourself. If you’ve not seen a counselor, it’s time. You need to find some self love and self respect. You deserve better than someone who obviously is very selfish, tries to be sneaky, and doesn’t care as much for you as you do her. YOU DESERVE BETTER OP!!

  66. Good grief, I get that you don’t understand this yet because you’re insanely young still and you’ve been groomed, but have you stopped to consider that just because something is legal doesn’t make it moral?

    Because you will one day, and you will be absolutely horrified on it when you look back. Many people who have been groomed can’t see it, especially when they’re still young and have unbelievably limited life experience.

    I’m not trying to talk down to you. Your defense of his predatory grooming is 100% the most common reaction from someone in your situation. But once you get a little older, and get some real, prolonged distance, like permanent distance from your predatory groomer, you will be able to see it.

    Do you think you’re ready to be a single parent? Because if you’re going to be a GOOD parent, that’ll mean not being in a toxic relationship with an active drug addict, and protecting your child from a sexual predator, even if you haven’t figured out yet that he preyed on you.

    Read up on grooming. Google it. And then, instead of defending him and your relationship, begin to get honest with yourself and read the story of how he groomed you. Because protecting your child is your responsibility now, and that starts with getting real about the fact that this dude is a predator.

    Like yeah, he tried to kill himself. Yeah, he’s a drug addict. Both reasons that make him not a fit parent. But the BIGGEST reason why he isn’t a fit parent is because he’s a sexual predator and until you’re able to understand the fact that you need to protect your child from HIM, you will not be ready to be a parent, single or otherwise.

  67. I'm interested to hear what being woke means with regard to sex also? Can you give more context about what you mean?

  68. While I wouldn’t call you an asshole, I do think you’re being careless and cruel to your girlfriend.

  69. That’s my concern, we all know guys are dogs a friend is never really a friend but she told me they have never been anything more then just friends and I believed her it’s just now that I see she’s deleting messages it makes me question if it was really for my benefit or for hers.

  70. You knew what the boundaries were and you broke them for your own selfish needs. Leave her alone, she's better off without you.

  71. He sounds like an idiot, instead of finding out if she was pregnant and if it was his he blocked her.

    Tell him dna needs to be established don't just take her word for it.

    And you need to decide whether you want to be there support him with this child and women or go and find someone else.

    Because she will be in his life for 18 years

  72. Fundamentally, sexual harassment is a violation of someone’s boundaries, whether explicitly stated or assumed. Due to the fact that you guys have been flirting heavily, I can almost guarantee you that this guy thought that you would feel comfortable if he touched you. Touching is very often a natural escalation of mutual attraction with another person. I genuinely don’t think he was trying to be creepy or take advantage of you.

    You told him that you didn’t like it, and he stopped. To me that’s the most important thing. If you tell your friend that you aren’t comfortable with him touching you that way and he stops/listens to you, I think that’s a really good sign. It means that he just made an incorrect assumption, and doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable.

    What are your expectations here? Since you are flirting and clearly like each other, are you going to make the first move?

  73. Honestly he sounds childish, controlling, and horrible. Your dog is marvelous and would never make petty demands on you because they’re silly and insecure. Lose the dude, keep the dog.

  74. If it's going to continue then homeboy needs to bounce, especially if he's “popping by for dessert” and they are going on trips together. This is all a giant red flag.

  75. I'd point him towards therapy. A lot of places have community health centers that offer therapy in a sliding pay scale. That means that if you can not afford it, it is reduced to a price you can afford or services are rendered for free. If you're in the U.S. I believe you can call 211 to ask where to find these kinds of services.

    The responsibility for his mental health and over all care taking falls on him. And I'm confused as to why 28 days specifically?

    It's okay to tell him that this is unreasonable. No is a complete sentence.

  76. You make a good point, maybe I just need to accept this and there’s no “solution”

  77. Listen to to what he has to say. Watch his behaviour over time. Tell him it would be good if he wishes to change. Tell him it will take a long time for him to show you he has changed.

    Maintain your distance to the level you are comfortable.

  78. This was no accident. Don't pretend it is.

    Dump Zac and let him fund someone who actually cares about him, obviously you don't.

  79. I've seen this end medical school runs. You need to think if you want someone irrational in your life. It won't end.

  80. In my defense on the part of him staying over he had been drinking those nights. I don’t usually have bfs or gfs stay over this early in the relationship but I host friends frequently bc most of them still on-line in the dorms and when everyone’s drunk they crash at my place. But I don’t sleep in the same room because I don’t want to have sex early in a relationship and don’t want to give the wrong idea.

  81. Drugs that she willingly took…How is that “out of her control”? And how about the fact that in 10 years she never cared to mention this to him?

  82. OP, you are only partially correct – It is not selfish to date another AFTER breaking up. However, that's not how your post reads. It reads that you broke up TO hook up with another person.

    He wasn't happy to let me hook up with [Jason], so we broke up.

  83. I don’t see anything wrong with this. Initially I was worried it would be in the bed next to her but this is entirely ok. Also to everyone making fun of him for the “gay porn” comment, he’s talking about two guys. 2 women is denoted as lesbian porn. That way this kinda distinction can be made without further confusion

  84. One of them was running late and was supposed to bring the other friend along after work. They decided to just go home because it was getting too late and the drive was far.

  85. A combination of respecting and appreciating her without him saying “I love you so much” probably bottlenecked his emotions and they came bursting.

    Think about what you want. If it's him you don't have to leave but you do have to talk to him about it.

  86. Well either way I think HR needs to be involved and it will be telling if she doesn't think she should inform HR what he has being saying about her if she tells me he's lying.

  87. I guess the acknowledgment of incompatibility is what scares me more than just burying my own needs, because we are so compatible in every other way. I can’t imagine there is anyone in the world who is more perfect for me than him. I do 100% see your point and I really appreciate you sharing your perspective, you’ve given me good advice to think about. Thank you!

  88. Less that he should be able to save something, more that she and he should know what they can and can't afford if actually making an effort, IMO.

    It's possible, although unlikely, that she doesn't know what his exepenses are or how much he's taking home. It's not like he's college educated or in a trade. If he's making 40K or less, it can be naked to save, and that wouldn't immediately make him a bad partner in the current economy.

  89. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I’ve been in a relationship with this girl for over a year and we recently got engaged. For the second time this mysterious person tells her that I have a hidden child. I’m shocked that she even asked me if this is true, to make things worse she won’t tell me who this person is and what the details are. I explained to her that it is important that we don’t hide things like that from each other and trust each other. She says she doesn’t want to cause trouble, but I think that’s BS. I think it’s one of her relatives who is spreading rumors. Regardless I am having second thoughts, I don’t think I should marry a girl who doesn’t trust me with details like that. Please give me your opinion and advice . How should I react?

  90. Good to hear mate. Take care of yourself and surround yourself with supportive people. You deserve better and this life is way too short to waste it.

  91. It’s an abstract concept, and sometimes a useful frame for some folks but it’s not more than that. It’s not an accurate reflection of reality, giving a comprehensive picture of how people communicate a wide array of emotions often associated with love and romantic partners. It’s a short hand generalization.

    In other words, let it work for you if that’s what you enjoy but don’t try to entice or force your husband to reframe his conception of how one shows/receives love or affection.

  92. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    Every time I have something good to share, my boyfriend always responds with some sort of issue that he has with it, or something negative and it feels really discouraging and makes me almost not want to share the good things in my life with him…

    Two examples that have stuck out the most out of all of them:

    -I got a raise at work, and the conversation that followed was about how he thinks I need to still be actively looking for a better paying job because its still not enough. My raise was actually exactly what I had asked for, given that I don't have a degree in this field and I don't have a lot of prior experience but I work really naked and I love my job. Yeah, I could definitely make more and I am currently studying for something outside of my field that I would like to eventually transition into but I'm not in a rush and my bills and everything get paid and I actively put towards savings and investments so it's not like we're struggling. It brought my mood down and I didn't even want to celebrate the raise anymore. I told him this, and he said he's just being realistic, and that because he makes so much more than me I should be working harder to get to where he's at because he likes the challenge in a relationship.

    -I got my credit score to 750 across the 3 major reporting bureaus, which has been a tough battle for me given that it was a 410 4 years ago. I've been really working hard to fix it so I can get a car and a house and whatever else without much issue. I sent him screenshots from credit karma & experian showing my scores and told him I was proud of myself. He responded with something along the lines of “that's not actually your score though, credit karma is just guessing. Your score is probably really a 700 or a 680”. I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda offended… I went onto equifax and transunion directly to check, as those are the two that credit karma displays, and turns out – those are my actual scores according to them. I told him this and he went into a story about how they're still wrong because one time he had his credit run and it was very inaccurate from what credit karma told him while trying to buy a car or something years ago. I responded with screenshots and said I've never had them not be accurate myself. I also asked him if I could like, tell him something good without him coming at me with a negative comment every time because it's really disheartening. He responded by saying he wasn't trying to make me feel that way, just doesn't want me to be surprised or disappointed by it when it happens to me some day.

    This happens quite frequently. I've even mentioned in response sometimes- “do you have to have something bad to say to everything?” He always says he's just being realistic, but I feel like that's not being realistic… it's being hurtful. His most used response in any and every conversation is “the issue with that is….” (mundane example – I'll say “I really like the way that car looks” hell say “yeah well the issue with those cars is….” and then go on a rant about why I shouldn't like that car. When all I was saying is that I think it looks nice/pretty/etc. Whatever) i just dont think everything has to have an issue… No matter what I say to him about it, he says he's being realistic and I'm being “toxicly positive”. Im not being overly positive, i just want to share good news with someone i care about. I understand reality and being realistic towards important things but where do you draw the line in that yknow. I don't know how to communicate this to him anymore. If I express my feelings about anything at all and he doesn't agree, he just argues with me about it so I'm kinda at a loss right now on how to better express myself, or when good things happen to me how to share it with him in a better way so it's not so…idk, like a stab at my happiness or something.

  93. This isn't a healthy relationship.

    This is you thinking you have a bf, whereas he thinks you're an escort.

  94. Tell your BF to wash actually watch his dick and his hands before starting activities with you and stop being a bitch. He should be grossed out at himself.

  95. Your partner should lift you up – especially when you’re down on yourself the most. This guy is an immature ass and certainly doesn’t deserve to see you naked.

  96. Just smoke some weed, it'll completely remove your anxiety and it'll make everything A-ok


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