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Room for live sex video chat ladywithbigass

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22 thoughts on “ladywithbigasslive sex stripping with Live HD

  1. Not to mention if OP ever gets sick and loses her hair, mobility, sex drive etc. We all know what this type of man does then…

  2. Is abortion an option on the table? If not, maybe consider aborting while it’s still early. Not everyone is ready to be parents and it never works out well when you get trapped in an unwanted relationship over a fetus. Consider all your options, this is your future too.

  3. You can have fun and party while being in a relationship but if you feel like you want to sleep with other people before you can “settle down” then a relationship isn't for you right now and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that

  4. Hello /u/daddyshitbitch,

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  5. Hello /u/FishermanNo1,

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  6. Getting in your own head is the worst thing you can do. Don't stress. Relax. Enjoy the vibes, laugh together, relax together, and if sex is gonna happen it will. If you have erection issues, she will likely appreciate oral attention if you get consent to do that for her. You could even look into generic Viagra if you absolutely need the confidence and performance boost: just take 1/2 the pill.

  7. He's showing you who he is and what's valuable to him. It's up to you to decide if that's what you want the rest of your life to look like. I'd have a very hot time with a partner that didn't show passion, have friendships , no thought into gifts or romance. Of course you can talk to him about it but I don't know that you have the same values.

  8. Your husband cannot “stop you from visiting” your mother or brother. You have two legs and you know how to Uber. That's a red herring.

  9. You are asking him to trust you that you are right that your sister will pay you back. But you don’t trust him enough to handle the full story. Trust is a two way street.

  10. I assume if you’re taking a pregnancy test now, this wasn’t something that just happened last night? (and if it is a pregnancy test is not going to be accurate yet, but you’re still in the window for Plan B and go get some this minute!!!)

  11. You made it a my-mom/your-mom battle – and neither of you can win.

    First – if you want a vacation where you can both go out all night you should just leave the baby with a caregiver, at home. If you want a vacation where you take your baby around to see things/be see – then don't go out at night. You want to do it all – and hey – sorry parents you can't. You have a kid now.

    Next, if you really really really want to do it all, what would it cost for you to hire a caregiver to fly with you and do all of the things you need them to do? I bet it's a whole lot more than paying grandma to fly there and have a room right? Well THAT is what you your moms work is worth.

    Make no mistake, you are putting her to work. She's there to do a job.

    How much would it cost if you had to hire someone to do it?

    You – and your husband – want discount work so you can go out at night. He just wants it to be even cheaper than you want it to be.

  12. Why couples therapy? Just divorce him. He called you a fat girl. There's no coming back from that.

  13. Yep. Go with “agnostic” or even “gnostic” for that matter. Just come up with another term that “atheist”. Jainist, perhaps.

  14. What exactly does she do for the family? How are household chores and parenting split? Does she work? Was she affectionate before your kids, when y’all were dating or married? What’s her love language – how does she show her love to you and people?


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