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56 thoughts on “RavenSeven7 the very hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Your not a priority and even if you move in together you still wont be, people always say if we move in it will improve, dont fucking listen to that, it doesnt improve all that happens is your lonely in a place where your partner should be. Your not a good match for a couple, so find someone who actually wants to see you because no relationship will last if you see eachother once a month and you dont make your partner a priority.

  2. As a woman I think it's a good idea. It can never be suggested by toxic family members, your SO or 'friends' if you already know for sure. Like prenups it protects both of you.

  3. Sounds like you’re using her. She’s seriously insecure and a people pleasure, she is incredibly vulnerable. If you’re not super into her, let her go before she gets in deeper.

  4. Hello /u/StunningHouse8163,

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  7. You know you’re gonna be OK right. Even pain makes you stronger. Don’t be afraid of it. Some of us are lucky to find somebody. We love the first time out. It took me decades. Just make sure you’re clear with your boundaries around her.

  8. In fairness, she's over 30 years old, should she not be reaching out to a medical professional if she is still in pain, etc?

    Would you say this about someone who was incapable of making proper decisions regarding their own well being due to suffering from mental illness?

    Your wife is hormonally imbalanced/deficient in physical pain and on various meds. She is suffering from medical issues that may not make this something she is capable of handling herself regardless of her age.

  9. That's grossly fucked up and unhealthy. It's also not sustainable – clearly your gf is getting fed up with it. Go to therapy.

  10. Your dad is reaping what he sowed but is now manipulating everyone else to do his dirty work to undo his damage. Support your sister and leave your dad to his own consequences. He deserves them.

  11. This friend is no friend of yours nor of your husband. She came to your house to purposely hurt you. She's jealous that you have a great marriage, a good husband who is successful, a beautiful fsmily and life. She is a failure who has poop!! Don't let her ruin you and your family, become MAMA bear!!

    Tell me, the love you felt for your husband before you got married is it just as it was or has it grown has it changed as you grew your family and lived your life?

    Your husband was young and foolish sending her that message before you got married. As the years have pasted he has changed, he matured, became a husband and a father – trust that his love has grown.

    I know this has hurt you deeply, but has his actions, since the bitch visited, shown you that he loves you?

    If not then talk to a lawyer.

    I suggest you might change therapist if this one is not helping.

  12. she’s immediately setting up what they’re going to be in how close they’re gonna on-line to you…

    She later clarified her question was with my mental health in mind. The night of the scam, I vented to her that sometimes my parents stress me out. She wanted to effectively gauge how frequently I would be stressed out in the future.

  13. Definitely childish behaviour on his part for not telling his coworker about the relationship, but he might just be insecure about what the future holds for you guys.

    He probably grew up thinking that the man was the one providing for the household and the fact that you make so much money could be a hit on his ego. Talk it out with with and tell him that he shouldn’t be insecure about his value just because of the fact that you make more than him, he can be proud to say that he’s a firefighter. Also tell him how that secrecy about the relationship makes you feel, he doesn’t hide it for nothing.

    Good luck

  14. Get over yourself dude. One day you'll be just a piece of paper in her memory box. You have zero rights to her things.

  15. The advice is: you're an adult and it's legal, medically, almost everywhere and recreationally some places too. Your long distance friend isn't your parent or your partner so it shouldn't matter to him at all cause you can't overdose on weed.

  16. It sounds like you both wanted different things in your lives. She wanted to settle down; you don't want to do that yet. You want to go abroad and continue your education. Both are valid life choices, but they aren't necessarily compatible. Where you went wrong was that you accepted the offer without talking to her first; you made the decision on your own that your relationship would become long distance without even giving her a heads' up. She's not wrong; the way you seem to have gone about this was not great. I wish you luck as you move to Ireland and begin medical school. In your next relationship, I think you should prioritize communicating with your partner and considering their feelings when it comes to major life decisions.

  17. Honestly it’s easy to give the advice “go away and start over somewhere far away” to a lot of people without recognizing how much they’d be giving up. But I didn’t hear a single word about a single decent person that you have in your life for this whole post. And you’re so young and in SO MUCH danger, I think you should disappear and have a good life somewhere else with good people.

  18. Ah, the White Knight appears. I think you should assess your rescue of this damsel in distress. I'm just saying before you get too far down this path, you should think 10 years down the line if this relationship dosent last.

  19. Well he sure as hell does not sound loving. More abusive than anything! Kids should not be in an abusive environment. Leave..you are young. You can do better. Find someone who respects you. Be an example for your kids.

  20. Why is it “broken”? Why doesn't she trust you? Why don't you trust her? What would it take for you to both to trust each other?

  21. A couple years ago, my ex and I broke up unexpectedly because he decided he wasn’t in a place to continue the relationship as he wanted to focus on his career and it wasn’t conducive to a happy healthy relationship for us (military). I was horribly upset but I got over it and understood it was for the best. I moved on and started dating the absolute love of my life. Shortly after, I found out that ex got married less than a year after we broke up. As I said, I was over him and definitely had no more feelings for him. If I did I wouldn’t have been in a new relationship. But I won’t lie and say that finding out that he got married so soon after breaking up, after his reason for said breakup was to focus on his career and not be in a relationship, was incredibly shocking and hurtful.

    Your gf likely is feeling similarly, that it hurts to have it confirmed that she wasn’t marriage material to someone she previously cared about and loved. Add alcohol and to the equation and human emotion is vulnerable and unpredictable. This doesn’t mean she is in love with him, or that she is unstable as one commenter is incessantly suggesting. It means she had an emotional response to something that is totally normal to react to.

    You seem set on taking this personally, but I urge you to just talk to her respectfully and empathetically to understand her reaction. You can make assumptions all you want, but you’ll ruin your relationship like that.

  22. I’m not sure how to bring this up again and have a conversation. I feel like it might blind side him, but I’ve really just been waiting for some effort.

  23. What you do is you dump him. Obviously.

    I can't believe you're seeing this as “throwing away a year”. A year is nothing. Nothing at all vs your health.

    Wake up.

  24. So help me understand how paying 13k in legal fee’s is good for the children? You’re saying go through the effort but the effort is wasted money. FOR BOTH PARTIES.

    So again I ask…. Because a child handled a pregnancy response terribly, he’s not allowed to be I. His child’s life unless he takes everyone involved through the ringer?


  25. It’s confusing because he has always said he has never cheated and hates people who do. So I fully trusted him but I don’t talk to my friends the way he is talking to this woman. From some of the message he clearly tells me one thing and her another thing so he’s lying to me face sometimes. But I feel I have no other opinions but to come back after my trip. I moved countries to be with him. I have no family here to go to.

  26. OK you’re not a horrible person so don’t go that far. I’m gonna get voted down for this but I would leave it alone. It is a piece of chicken if nothing is said and you don’t do it again just let it go. It’s not like my sobriety. She doesn’t have to change your vegan date like I would have to change my sobriety date. I’m just kidding now.

  27. OP’s mom was 16 and him 22 when they started dating. Age of consent may be whatever, but 16 is still a child by most people’s standards. Also filmed his daughter growing up. I’d argue he’s absolutely a pedophile, at best a pervert. Only goes for women in their 20s because he can’t pull the teenage girls anymore

  28. Oh, I wasn't aware you are unable to understand simple sentence. I was talking about the fact that cheaters normally see everywhere cheater vibes. Like I said, talking with a brick. Bye.

  29. I mean, they’re a married couple and he’s not the one who posted. If either of them are over drafting it’s a mutual problem, because, ya know, marriage.

  30. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    so i f19 on-line in scotland, born and raised here, but i was in 7 different care homes for 10 years so i have lived all over scotland, Moray, Inverness, Aberdeen, Perth, Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow. i was born in moray and i lived there until i was 7, then i got taken into care and was there until i was 17, i left in june 2021 and i’m back in moray. the last care home i lived in was in glasgow. i had picked up multiple accents and dialects throughout these 10 years but i think the glaswegian accent stuck the most. when people meet me they can’t tell where i’m from. my friends in moray say i still sound glaswegian. for some reason everytime i say scottish slang or pronounce my ‘r’s a certain way (if you’re scottish you know what i mean) my boyfriend m19 and i have been together for 2 and a bit years, but he gets really annoyed and says ‘why are you speaking like that’ or ‘don’t speak like that, you sound like a junkie’ and pulls a look of disgust. idk. feel bad about myself because of it . i deliberately change the way i speak now but sometimes my accent slips out and i don’t mean to. im not sure what else to include

  31. Yeah, not here for body shaming at all, but “hangar” as slang for vagina was the stretchiest reach ever. Especially as all other context in the post made it clear that it was hunger/anger.

  32. Just break up with him? It’s lot like he’s holding a gun to your head. Whatever he feels for you is not real love, he’s blatantly using you for sex. Don’t waste anymore years on him.

  33. You being mad at her for going to this party is not reasonable.

    All the things you’ve done for her are not reasonable. Toxic both ways. And from the sound of it, you’ve been giving up a lot more. I’d leave.


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