Simone Smith

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42 thoughts on “Simone Smith

  1. I know it’s hot when your a hot chick to deal with rejection but just think of it this way, most men in life deal with rejection everyday. You’ll be alright

  2. Hello /u/-eiiuue,

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  3. but why is her ego important when she came looking for advice about her relationship, exactly? she said it in the middle of banter while they were play fighting. play fighting can be perfectly safe and intimate. he escalated it and that can be ignored because i guess she has to learn some sort of life lesson? why can’t she talk to him about how she felt scared without making him out to be a bad guy? the escalation wasn’t a malicious one, the play fighting needs boundaries, not to outright end reddit is fucking weird

  4. Hello /u/kmnbillie,

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  5. Get your husband 2 choices for paperwork – file for divorce or draw up his proposal for the open relationship. If he is serious about an open relationship have him draw up the boundaries and sign off on it such as overnight stays, travel, $ for dates etc. He already has someone in mind that’s he is already talking to. He just wants to be out in the open instead of sneaking cheating. That’s why he doesn’t care for the 3some with the sex worker. At this point you need to set up consultations with divorce lawyers. The marriage you once had is over.

  6. Because they’re frustrated with me for keeping myself in a situation I know is toxic to me and my children. Because they’re not in my shoes, they don’t understand that I’m sitting here bawling my eyes out feeling like an idiot for falling in love with someone and starting a life with him just for him to repay everything I’ve done for us with abuse. It’s frustrating to want someone to help themselves and they seem to refuse. I get it. But this shit is hot on many levels.

  7. He sounds like a loser tbh, and I don't think you can convince a loser to not be one. He has to want to do it himself.

    You don't even sound like you're in a real, loving relationship that goes both ways – it seems like he's using you to be his mom, and then complains at you when it's convenient for him. That's not something I would ever tolerate in a partner.

  8. We can still have a bio child through surrogacy though. That's the thing I guess, maybe I worded the this wrong? The entire experience would really change for him, it would only change for me.

    I'm happy to choose surrogacy if he I certain he wants bio-children. But earlier on in dating and marriage he’d been more interested in adoption than surrogacy.

    I guess I want to know if this is taking me needs or not because it would of course be a deal breaker if it is, and ones that we figure it out now. But he just wont talk about it at all

  9. I’m about to have been with her for a year however my sexual drive for her seems to have stopped increasing about 3 or 4 months ago. The thing about someone else is that I flirted with someone (and it got somewhat sexual) for a couple days

  10. I don't know. I'm afraid. She doesn't seem like a girl who would ever be in a relationship. She's so calm, quiet. She doesn't even go on outings with her friends, leave me. But recently she shared some sad intimate feelings with me. I think you only do such things when you trust someone, right? Plus my friends were saying it's too soon, is it?

  11. It isn't the requests that are controlling, it's his anger. He's conditioning you to do as he wants so as to avoid his anger.

    Get away from him.

  12. Got it. Thanks for clarifying. And I have to agree with you, he should answer your calls when you call to at least tell you he can't talk right now and will call you later or something to that effect. I normally hate playing “games” but what if you don't answer the next time(s) when he calls? I mean you don't have to answer every single time, you can be busy or your phone is on mute or… whatever. You don't need to be “available” all the time when it's convenient for him?

  13. I stand corrected. I don’t associate with radical people and I definitely haven’t knowingly been involved with any in any capacity so I didn’t realize that was implied.

  14. …..are you sure he is 32?

    Sometimes when someone is getting annoyed at something so ridiculously stupid like this, something else is bothering them. Could be something to do with you or could be an outside stressor.

  15. I'd rather wear clown shoes than be a moron who doesn't understand simple shit. I feel bad for those who have to deal with you

  16. There's no real dumping the man-child if she has that baby, though. She'll still be tied to him for the rest of her life. Just not married to him.

  17. You are right to go NC. Your step-mother clearly harbors a hatred of you to this day. No rational human being would hold on to a grudge against a child for that long. I don’t think you should assume that she’s gotten out of her system with the stunt she pulled at your wedding, and I think you’re right to suspect that she’d take it out on any future kids too. The fact that your father is seemingly backing her up tells you where his priorities lie. Don’t give in.

    Maybe your dad will change his tune when you have kids and he misses out on his grandchildren. If he does, then maybe you can rekindle the relationship then.

  18. Yeah ik but I still live! under their roof and I still want to keep my relationships with my parents

  19. You know it wasn’t a joke, or else it wouldn’t have set off those alarm bells in your head. Ask yourself why, when he saw you temporarily weak, that his first thought was of how he could overpower you. He was bold enough to even say it out loud. gRape isn’t about sex it’s about power and control. He didn’t care that it made you uncomfortable either. Girl, move out and get away from him.

  20. Do you want to go to couples therapy and try and make it work? If you know you will never be able to get past this then I wouldn't bother. Go with your gut.

  21. Divorce. And tell your husband you will be reporting your cat as stolen if he doesn’t have him home in 24 hours

  22. This sucks. I'm really sorry to hear you live! in a 2 bedroom house. Like, really sorry. I thought my house was small. Damn.

  23. It is so lovely that you are so willing to help your sister. But your daughter is not a bad person for wanting to spend her own money how she wants to. Maybe she is saving for something important to her, why is that less valid?

  24. Right? It honestly feels a bit cruel and immature to treat your partner this way for this long for something so innocent and normal, and something he only did in a moment of need when she wasn't available. Instead of sitting down and communicating properly, even if, like you said, she didn't know why she's feeling this way… making him feel so guilty and literally breaking down sobbing and apologizing, only to then continue giving him the cold shoulder and silent treatment… she's 35 years old. He's not breaking any boundries cuz she never set any (how the porn+masturbation talk was never brought up in 5 years is beyond me, but I digress).

  25. Thanks, I've got a new job in a new career lined up – I was made redundant two weeks before she left and applied for my new job the morning she was planning to leave me. I have a mortgage and a kid so I didn't have the choice to wallow in pity ?

  26. Hahahahaha she must be insanely hot

    How can you be okay with this?

    In our culture you either purchase a home 50/50 or if someone puts in 75/25 the other person must compensate another type of way or just stfu

  27. Jesus Christ and holy Mary. It's been DAYS! Not that any of this would be ok even if you weren't in the mood to have sex for months, but this is beyond fucked up. This is not how someone who gives a shit about you acts. If he's so tucking horny, he can have a wank. What would happen if you were sick? He'd be shoving at you from behind as you're vomiting over the toilet?

  28. This is a good point. Maybe it's just never a good idea to go there. Same category as “I was originally attracted to you because X” or “why did you choose me over someone else?” It opens up a potential conflict that doesn't have to happen.

  29. A lot of people have a line in the sand date of when they stop taking a relationship seriously because they haven’t moved forward (into engagement/home ownership/kids) You are probably past that date. At over 5 years in I would of been done with waiting for you to propose.

  30. You dad lost his partner, how do you expect him to act. Everyone deals with grief in his or her own way. Your sex life is none of your dads business. But who he decides to date is none of yours. Even though you might not like it. Let him deal with what he's dealing with in his way instead of trying to make demands or ultimatum. Your dad will come around when he's ready. There might have been other things going on behind the scenes with your parents that you aren't or things they decided not to tell you. Your dad could possibly be in the early stages of dementia since he's acting weird out of the blue. You both lost someone, and definitely sorry for that. All you cN do is just be there for your dad. Hopefully, he'll be able to move past grief. Let your dad know that your there for him and that you need your dad as well. This is about both of you. All the other stuff at this point is trivial. All you have left now is each other.


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